Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 5: All because it was story time at the library.

Today was a very busy day for three reasons. Today was 1) Make waffles day, 2) story time at the library day and 3) a running day for me. What was my genius solution? A car wash!   Since the car wash was only a drive thru, I had to clean the inside. (Wash n Roll provides free vacuums, towels and Windex if you buy a car wash.)  Thanks to the 65 degree weather I was able to thoroughly clean the inside of the car without becoming a sweaty mess for the 2nd time in one day.  Here is a tentative Ely watching the car wash.

2012-01-05 13.24.19

I also brought my resolution to the library and scored these books:

2012-01-05 16.29.19

The Idiot one is my favorite. And thanks to this Idiot book, for the first time in my life I am going to try to clean GREEN. The author claims it’s better for my health and our budget. And it doesn’t seem too complicated.  I had JW buy Costco sized baking soda and white vinegar to start with. Then I picked up Bon Ami and concentrated orange cleaner at Natural Grocers. The truth is I have never felt comfortable using regular bathtub cleaners and then jumping in for a bath, especially for Ely. And I absolutely hate how conventional cleaners dry my hands out!

Tomorrow I will be cleaning Ely’s bathtub with a mixture of 1/8 cup of mild laundry detergent and 2 quarts water. And bathing her on the same day!  Previously when I have used regular cleaners I have waited a day before putting my baby in the bath tub. And that after scouring off the cleaners with lots of very hot water. Some may call that neurotic but after reading about the health hazards of repeated use and residues of certain cleaners , now I think it was my womanly intuition.

I may not have the power to prevent cancer but I can reduce the amount of smelly yucky chemicals that get used in our home.  And isn't that what this whole New Year’s resolution was about? To remove the smelly yuckies out of our home!!!  Only 360  more cleaning days left in 2012.

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