Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 45: Sewing room love

Ever since the big party, my sewing room had been in awful condition.  I used my cutting table for the party and had not put it back in its place. The table sits against the windows and I didn’t want to put the table back until I had cleaned the pesky blinds.  Yesterday during Ely's nap I finally carved out some time and motivation to get dirty.

JW bought me this handy blinds cleaning tool at Home Depot last Sunday, but since my sewing room blinds hadn't been cleaned in…never, I quickly resorted to my sock cleaning method.  I think the blinds tool is great for regular cleaning. But if your blinds are dingy like mine were, you need socks!  What I liked most about this handy little green tool is that the microfiber cover is machine washable. I had also picked out several other tools but was only allowed to buy this one. Smile 

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My sewing room seemed brighter afterwards. I also did a little bit of dusting. My desk/sewing table is so cluttered right now that I have to wait to finish dusting until I can clear it off.

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If filling up surface area with projects were a sport I would probably compete in the Olympics. After cleaning and setting up my table, I quickly filled it with all my TO DO or rather TO CUT projects. These piles are actually educational materials and not junk, I promise. I had been storing these up (from my teaching days) for the right time. Or rather, I was waiting to have time to cut these materials out. Now I am all set up to sit down and cut in front of the TV when I get some….time.  But when I finally do, Ely and I will enjoy playing with them for her alphabet lessons.

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